Some of Peabody's show pictures are below. You can also check out our show and fun videos on youtube.

Show Gallery: MagnumOz Mister Peabody, CGC

mastiff puppy class

First in 6-9 month Puppy Class, 6 months
2008 Superstition Kennel Club Show
Thanks to Judge Mrs. Joyce A. Vanek

mastiff puppy at dog show

Reserve Winners at the Lost Dutchman Show
April 2008, 7 1/2 Months
Thanks to Judge Mrs. Barbara Dempsey Alderman

mastiff puppy's 1st dog show

Peabody's first dog show, 6 months
First in 6-9 mo. Puppy Class
2008 Scottsdale Dog Fancier's Assoc.
Thank you to Judge Mrs. Tomas (Alane L.) Gomez

mastiff puppy at dog show

First in 6-9 month Puppy Class, April 2008
Lost Dutchman Kennel Club Show
Thanks to Judge Dr. Donald A. Gill

7 1/2 Months

Peabody's Main Page | Peabody's Puppy Pics

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phoenix, arizona, usa great dane puppies, great dane breeders & mastiff information site copyright & terms: ©2012 all rights reserved. all photographs and content contained in this web site are the property of unless otherwise noted and may not be used or distributed without written permission. photos of dogs, mastiffs, great danes & puppies may not be used by anyone for any purpose. all the information found in this site is published for entertainment purposes only.

:: NEWS ::

Reptile Care Sheets Are Now Available: Caring for Bearded Dragons, Box Turtles, and African Spur Thigh Tortoises.