Harley is a German Shepherd-Basenji. Basenjis are barkless dogs, so when we got Harley, he didn't know how to bark. However, he can climb ladders, perch on your shoulder, give high fives, and after a lot of hard work, he can now speak on command! He is a very sweet and loving dog, always happy and wagging. Harley was born in June of 1996 and was the first dog to join our family. My nieces and nephews refer to Harley as "the little brown dog," and he's all the kids' favorite dog. I guess a 70 lb. german shepherd mix is small compared to a great dane or mastiff. You  can follow Harley on Twitter at @the_dogs.

Update: Harley passed away on May 5, 2010. The house feels very empty without his smiley little face and wagging tail. We miss you, Harley.

Harley's Gallery

swimming dog

Swimming...well, mostly wading in the Salt River 

smiling dog

Just Smiling 

Interesting Fact:
Harley's tail was black when he was a puppy, but it changed to tan as he grew.


Happy Dog

6 week old puppy, Harley

Baby Harley at 6 weeks

mastiff puppy and harley

Harley at 11 years, snuggling with Peabody

great danes and mixes

The Old Gang - Harley, Mowgli, Samson, Delilah and Tequila

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phoenix, arizona, usa great dane puppies, great dane breeders & mastiff information site copyright & terms: ©2012 mydog8it.com. all rights reserved. all photographs and content contained in this web site are the property of mydog8it.com unless otherwise noted and may not be used or distributed without written permission. photos of dogs, mastiffs, great danes & puppies may not be used by anyone for any purpose. all the information found in this site is published for entertainment purposes only.

:: NEWS ::

Reptile Care Sheets Are Now Available: Caring for Bearded Dragons, Box Turtles, and African Spur Thigh Tortoises.


Breed: Shepherd, Husky, Basenji Mix

Born: May 1996

Location: indoor dog, Arizona

Hobbies: sleeping, hiding toys

Favorite Foods: any type of meat, oatmeal, glucosamine cookies

Goals: teach Peabody some manners, figure out how to eat while laying down

Likes: sitting on laps, having that spot above the tail scratched, going for walks

Dislikes: vegetables, getting drooled on by Peabody

Biggest Fear: swimming where his feet can't reach the bottom 

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mastiff & great dane information